Friday, March 16, 2012

Henry Fine Chong

A Chinese wedding attracted considerable interest at Parramatta on June 24, when a marriage was celebrated in St. John's Church between Mr. Henry Fine Chong and Miss Lily Ah Poo, daugh- ter of a well-to-do Chinaman in Parramatta. The bride wore white silk trimmed with lace, a wreath of orange blossoms, and a long tulle veil. Her bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Jessie Ah Poo, who wore a pretty costume of buttercup muslin. Australian Town and Country Journal Saturday 4 July 1896



There was an interesting gathering at the offices of the "Tung Wah News" last evening, when a complimentary dinner, under the auspices of the Chinese Empire Reform Association, was tendered to the Rev. Cheok Kong Cheong, the Chinese lecturer. A large number of gentlemen, representing European and Eastern nations, were present, and the evening proved a most enjoyable one. Mr. Yee Hing, the president of the association, was in the chair, having beside him the guest of the evening, and amongst those who sat down to dinner were Mr. J. Blanksby, M.L.C., Mr. P. Jessep, M.L.A., Mr. Davis, M.L.A., Mr. J. Hayes, M.L.A., Mr. Lockyer (of the Customs Department), Captain Green; the representative of the Japanese Consul, Mr. Powell, Mr. Palset, Mr. David O. Young, Mr. Ping Nam, Mr. Han Chong Jowe, and Mr. Henry Fine Chong.

The toasts of "The Queen" and "The Emperor" were drunk with enthusiasm, and then Mr. Tee Hing proposed "Our Guest." He referred to the pleasure it gave the members of the league to have had Mr. Cheok Kong Cheong in their midst for the past few months. Their visitor was the model of the true Chinese gentleman. Not only among his countrymen but among all with whom he mixed he was regarded with the highest feelings of respect. His work for all causes of charity had been unceasing. For the furthering of the ends of the association, for the enlightenment of his countrymen, the suppression of the opium trade, for Christianity, the relief of Indian and Chinese famines, and other causes, be had always been a prominent leader among

the Australian Chinese.

The Rev. Cheok Kong Cheong, who was received with cheers, expressed his gratification at the recep- tion accorded to him while in Sydney. In language that many public speakers of English might envy, he briefly touched upon the present state of China. He referred to the resources and possibilities of the East- ern nation. He was firm in his opinion that when the people had a settled Government and took up the

Western ideas a new existence would begin forChina, and she would rank with the foremost nations of the world.

Other toasts, including "Chinese Merchants," and " The European and Japanese Visi- tors," were proposed and responded to. During the evening the rev. gentleman was presented with a handsome address signed by the leading Chinese of Sydney. On the souvenir was a realistic scene from Sydney Harbour painted by Mr. Henry Fine Chong. The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 18 October 1900

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