Thursday, August 2, 2012


Last night about 10 o'clock a party of Auckland uetectives and police, under Chief Detective Grace, raided a house occupied by a -Chinaman named Ah Yong in Wakefield-street, and after an exciting scene arrested a large number of Chinese on charges of being found hi a gaming house. When the police entered the house the game of fan-tan was proceeding and the place was full of players. A scene of great excitement followed, and the china: icn rushed for the doors and windows, but at every point they ..ere met.^by the police, and were soon handcuffed and marched down to the lock-up. The banker was found hiding under the gaming table. A considerable sum of money was found in me room, and a fan-tan gambling set was also taken. The Chinese were subsequently all bailed out by their friends.
The folio-wing- arc the names of the Chinese arrested: —Ah Cow. 64; Ah Yew, '61, cook; All Shee, 37, shopman; Yet Gee, 55, gardener; Ah Sin", 23, gardener; Tei Wah 40, cook; Sing Yet, 32, laundryman; "Willie Goorn, ;)0. gardener; All Tan, 28, gardener; Ah Way, 55, gardener; Chin Sing-, 33, gardener; Leng Kum, 39, gardener; Ah Hing, 40, gardener; Ah Wong, 30, gardener (the banker); Yet Lee 50, gardener; Ah Young. 22, gardener; Mcc Ivee, 40, laundryman; Ah Ling, 40. cook; Ah San, 42, grocer and doctor; All Yong, 4;), grocer (keeper of we house); Len Sing, 36, gardener; Len Gee, 41, gardener; Ah Ling, 34. gardener; Sling Sue, 3:5, gardener; Bing Chew, 'O, gardener; Ah Lean. 40, gardener; Ah Choy, 52, g-ardener; Lue AYong-, 50, grocer; Young Chin, 48, grocer; Ah Low, 45, gardener; Chin Chin, gardener. The Chinamen were all lined up at the Police Court this morning before Mr Brabant, S.M. Mr ,T. C. Martin appeared for the accused and pleaded guilty on their behalf. The bulk of the men were charged with being found in a common gaming house without lawful excuse. Ah Wong was charged with being the banker of the gaming house, and two of the others as his assistants.
Mr Martin said the Chinamen arrested were npfc a nuisance to the street, and there were no Europeans, either girls or men, in the house. This was the Chinese New Year holiday season, and the prisoners were keeping holiday and nad met to celebrate in this fashion by playing the national game of fan-tan.
Mr Brabant fined the keeper of the house £25, the two assistants £3 each, Yet Gee (twice previously convicted) £?j, Ah Yen and Ah Shee (previously convicted) £2 each, and the rest, of the accused £1 each.
Chief Detective Grace said there was sufficient money found in the establishment and on prisoners to pay the fines. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 28, 3 February 1902, Page 8

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