Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mr. George Sang,

SEARCHING FOR A POLITICAL  BLUE-BIRD.  Now, it happened the other day that the "Square Deal" Party got to Taumaranui and was met with all sotfts of requests to all of which was given ''that jocular phrase of 'Oom Bill-" A Square Deal." To the many requests "Truth" need, not refer, but there was one, and as it comes from the Auckland "Herald" there should the no need of its veracity. The "Herald" reports as follows:— Mr. Shortland introduced Mr. George Sang, an educated Chinaman and highly-respected citizen of Taumaranui who wished to bring over to New, Zealand his wife and child, and two nephews from China. The Prime Minister said if Mrs. Sang paid the poll-tax and passed the education test she would be admitted. Mr. Shortland thought that m the circumstances the conditions should be dispensed with. Mr. Massey said the matter would bo looked into. Miv Shortland, "Truth" might mention, is a local lawyer, otherwise some people might want to know why Mr. Geo. Sang, an educated Chinkie. etc., didn't ask for a "Square Deal" of his, own accord. In the face of things/ however, Lawyer Shortland has some assurance; m -fact, "Truth" doesn't hesitate to declare that Mr. Shortland, m making such a request of the Price Minister, has a pretty' tough cuticle. Why should Mrs. Geo. Sang and his child and two nephews, be admitted free of the poll-tax, ,and all conditions dispensed with? Why could not Mr. Massey have saild at once that  

that we have too many Chinamen as it is in the country, and that there would be no general regret expressed if the Chinaman m New Zealand took up his capital and, allowed himself to be driven out. "Truth" doesn't quite follow Mr. Massey. How does he propose to have the matter looked into? Does he propose to ascertain if there is a way of defeating the excellent provisions of our immigration laws? Is the great statesman finding himself up against treaty rights, or is it that' he Is not capable of giving, a straightforward answer? "Truth" wonders! It will be an exceedingly sorry day for Mr Massey Whenever he sets out to set at nought our White Now Zealand policy. This matter, on Mr Massey's promise, wants watching. NZ Truth , Issue 411, 10 May 1913, Page 4

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