Friday, December 30, 2011

Chinese Philanthropist Man Fong Lau Seriously III

We regret to learn that Mr Lee Chow (generally known as Man Fong Lau) is seriously ill and is under the care of the three medical gentlemen in town.

Mr Lee Chow has been ailing for a considerable time, suffering principally from a complaint similar to rheumatism, which at his age, 62, is not easy to shake off. His present illness is directly due to a fall he had. Some days ago, be decided to shift some large timber from the verandah to the store and as his staff were bnsy with their duties, he suggested to his manager that they could do it, and while doing this, his foot or leg gave way from under him which resulted in a rather heavy fall and serious shaking, which proved too severe for him in his weakened state.

Mr Lee Chow is one of the very early residents of Darwin, has held very large interests in mining and othor industries in the N. T. , and has been a prominent business man of the town for over 40 years. He is noted for his good, kind disposition and liberality. Never at any time was an appeal for assistance, either financial or otherwise, turned down by bim. From a business point there are many in the Territory who received every kindness and consideration from Lee Chow and his firm during the very dull and hard times experienced during the past couple of years.

We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr Lee Chow, his wife and family, and members of the firm and hope that his recovery will be speedy and certain.

Friday 30 May 1924 Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin

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