Friday, December 30, 2011



There was a large gathering in the all of St. John's Presbyierian Church on Wednesday night, the occasion being to say good-bye to .Miss Irene Fong, who shortly sails for China, where she will be married to Air. T. C. Yau, of Canton. The Rev. J. Colvin occupied the chair.

There was a long and very enjoyable programme. Mrs. C. Beringer, Miss Downs and Mr Warren were the vocalists, and Misses Gibson and Askew and Mr Ivan Martin the instrumentalists. Both vocal and instrumental music were of a high standard.A Miss Jean Morris was in charge of the games, which to many were entirely new. and to all most enjoyable. During an interval Mr. Win. Currie, the Session Clerk, presented Miss Fong with a beautiful eight -day clock on behalf of the members and friends of the Church. He said that the occasion reminded him of a similar meeting in Scotland, when about forty-five years ago he was the recipient of a clock, and it, too. was a wedding gift. Miss Fong was now in a way severing her connection with Australia, and he hoped, as the years passed, that the clock would remind her of the many friends whom she had left in Geraldton. Miss Irene Fong very suitably responded in a neat little speech. She said it was difficult to express her feelings, but she hoped that the friends of the Church would accept her thanks for such a beautiful present. 'I don 't think,' she continued, 'that I am worthy of it but I have tried to help in the church work when I was able. Mr Tom Morris supported the remarks of Mr. Currie, and Mr. Sydney Fong expressed his gratitude to the congregation for their nice gift to his daughter. At the close of the proceedings supper was provided, and the singing of 'Auld Laug Syne' and 'God Save the King'' brought to a close a very pleasant evening. Miss Fong, accompanied by her father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Fong) will leave by the Centaur on February 10th for China, via Singapore, and the wedding will take place at Canton about the middle of March. Accompanying them is Mr. and Mrs. Fong's sou, Athol ('Chummy ), who will enter college]at Canton to continue his education, Mr and Mrs. Sydney Fong will return to Geraldton early in June, and will shortly afterwards bid farewell to their second son (Melvin), who is going to Bradford ( Yorkshire) to gain experience in all branches of the wool trade.

Saturday 1 February 1936 Geraldton Guardian and Express (WA


A wedding of considerable, local interest was solemnised on March 7th in the Presbyterian Church, Canton, between Mr. T. C. Wan. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. K. If. Wan, of Perak (F.M.S.) and Miss I. Fong, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Fong. of Geraldlon. As the bride en rered the church on the arm of her father, the Wedding March was played by Miss Mark, who presided at the organ.

The bride was charmingly gowned in off white lacquered satin, with cowled front, and with large hand-made roses on the long train inlet from the skirt. Her veil was of applique lace on tulle. She carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by Miss C. Wan (sister of the bridegroom) as bridesmaid. Miss Wan was smartly aittired in pink satin, and earned a bouquet of pink tinted roses. Two little attendants in the persons of the nephew and niece of the best man acted as page boy and flower girl, the latter making a dainty little figure in a white satin gown, and carrying a basket of roses. Professor Liu. of the Lingnan University, acted as best man. The reception was held at the new Asia Hotel, the front entrance being beautifully decorated, as was also the banquetting ball. Altogether about two hundred and fifty guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. S. Fong. who were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Wan. At the wedding breakfast the Rev. Chin ' acted as chairman, and a feature of the occasion was the wedding cake, which was a handsome confection in three tiers. The customary roasts were honored and several cablegrams from friends were read. including one from the members of St. John's Presbyterian Church. Geraldton. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of many useful presents, including numerous cheques and also sincere wishes for their future happiness from many friends. Mr. ami Mrs. Wan left for Hong Kong for the honeymoon, the bride's travelling dress being of smart rose beige dull crepe ensemble, with hat, shoes and handbag in tone. Mr. and Mrs. Wan will make their future home in Shanghai. Saturday 9 May 1936 Geraldton Guardian and Express (WA

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