We have searched the English markets for the latest and best things for Christ- mas and have succeeded in securing a wonderful lot of novelties which will delight the hearts of young and old during the festive season.
A facinating race game delights all the young folks and will very much interest the older members of the family. Strongly made, automatic; no springs or clock- work; and will not easily get out of order.
Mechanical toys in large variety, some very comic.
Real" bicycles for little boys and girls very strongly made, solid tyres. A splendid gift for a sturdy small boy or girl.
Lollies in rare variety. Lollies in the toys. Some magnificent chocolates fresh fiom the factory in Tasmania.
Real Sewing Machines, small and inex- pensive; worked by hand; but will sew dolls dresses very nicely. A delightful gift for an industrious little girl.
Phonograph Records 10 inch 4/-; 12 inch 6/- each. All the very latest; grand opera; orchestral and vocal. You must hear these records to appreciate them.
Dresses for the Ladies.-Silks; satins; etc., plain or of the most brilliant colors. English cotton piece goods in astoundng variety in pattern and color.
Groceries.-We are landing ex Koolinda a very large stock of the choicest grocer- ies for Christines; too numerous to particularize: but for variety: good quality and reasonable prices cannot be excelled. We invite inspection.
Tuesday 20 November 1928 Northern Territory Times (Darwin
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