Saturday, January 7, 2012


Country Girl's Curious Confessions. (From "Truth's" Taihape Rep.) The spectacle of a Chinese fruiterer, bereft of his usual blandness, and strenuously endeavoring to extricate himself from the accusation that he was the father of a young, country girl's child was provided m the Taihape Magistrate's Court this week. John did so successfully, and was aided very considerably by the child itself, who was a silent witness for the defence. The Chink was George Ah Chang, who has a fruit shop in Taihape, while the girl of seventeen summers who brought the impeachment against him lived in Utiku, a village six miles south of Taihape. Wearing a smart yellow and white jumper and black hat she said her child was born in July in Wellington in the Salvation Army Home. She said she first, knew Ah Chang m October of last, year through frequently going to his shop. On. Saturday, November 3, she went into the shop about 2 o'clock and Ah Chang and herself got into conversation as to ages. Complainant's 14 year-old brother accompanied her on this occasion and Ah Chang gave him 6d to go and buy an ice cream. The lad did as he was bid and on returning was told to go and have a look round the shops. While, he was away witness felt bad so she said, and Ah Chang gave her an "aspro." He then invited her into his office and after a few minutes, intimacy occurred. She then left, and a fortnight later returned to the shop. She continued to visit the shop weekly after that on her usual shopping round. John denied the. impeachment with vigor, and an important plank in his case was the evidence of Dr. Sinclair, who said if the allegations were true he would expect to see a dark, straight haired child with high cheek bones, bridge of nose flattened, and typical shaped eyes. He would expect to see the characteristics in a general sense. In Chinese and Jewish races the racial characteristics persisted in half-castes. Maori blood was weaker and racial features not nearly so pronounced. He had examined the child whose parentage was in question, and found no traces of Chinese blood in it. The child had brown hair inclined to wave, with blue eyes, cheek bones not raised, and a nose of a European child of three months. The poor little unwanted was here brought into Court and examined, but to the casual observer there was no likenessin it to the man alleged to be the father. After some further evidence the Magistrate declined to make an order and dismissed the case without prejudice. NZ Truth , Issue 985, 11 October 1924, Page 7

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