The news of the death of Mr Quoug Tart, which took place at his residence, Ashfield, last night, will be received with general regret. Mr Tart's illness had been of short duration, and few outside the circle of his immediate friends had heard of it. Last Monday he was prostrated by an attack of pleurisy. Dr. Traill was ín attendance on the patient during the weeck, but the illness resulted fatally, the immediate cause of death being heart failure.
Mr Quong Tart's name was well known far be- yond the confines of the State which he had made his home for over 40 years. Born in China in 1850, he came with relatives, while still a child, to Braidwood, where he spent his youth and early manhood. Being desirous of securing a wider field for his energies he removed to Sydney, where he engaged in business as a restaurateur, and achieved considerable success. Mr Tart was in the best sense of the word a good citi- zen. His assistance was always forthcoming for a good cause. Between the Chinese citizens and the general community he stood as a kind of connecting link, highly respected by both. He was practically the mouthpiece and unofficial representative of his countrymen in New South Wales. He was a promi- nent member of the Lin Yik Tong Society, which was founded 10 years ago by a number of Chinese merchants. The society acts as the guardian of the interests of tho Chinese in New South Wales, and its operations are mainly to relieve distress.
A few years ago Mr Quong Tart revisited his native land and the Emperor, in recognition of his services, made him a "mandarin of the fifth rank, crystal button." Last year he was the victim of an attempted robbery. A number of prominent citizens immediately took in hand the raising of a testi- monial, and its presentation to Mr Tart marked very happily the high esteem in which he was held by the people of Sydney, and their sympathy with him in his trouble. Mr. Quong Tart, who had embraced the Christian faith, was married, and leaves a widow and six children.
Monday 27 July 1903 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)DEATH OF MR. QUONG TART.
Mr. Qnong Tart, Chinese merchant, died at his residence, Ashfield, to-day from pleu- risy. The deceased was a strong supporter of the Reform Party in China, and his sym- pathies in 'the recent troubles were with that party. He was also the prime mover in the anti-opium agitation, and few names are better known in the community than his. He arrived in the State nearly 40 years ago. In 1887 the Emperor of China conferred on him the rank of Fifth Man- darin, an honor equivalent . to an English knighthood. He was the first Chinaman elected to an Oddfellows' lodge in this State, and was also a Forester and a Freemason.
Monday 27 July 1903 The Advertiser (Adelaide
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