Investigations by Price Tribunal inspectors resulted in the appearance in the Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr. A. M. Goulding, S.M., of a I number of Wellington fruiterers, the majority Chinese, on charges of breaches of the regulations. Pleas of. guilty were entered in all cases, and the following fines, with costs in each case, were imposed:— For selling apples at a price that was not in conformity with a price order: Joe Lee Long, £7 10s; Ming Young, £7 1.0s; Wong Sue Hing, £7 10s; Fen Key Leong (two charges), £7 10s on first charge, ordex'ed to pay costs on second; Wong Kong Kee, 10s; Ngan Chong, £5; William Young, £7 10s; Thomas Young, £7 10s; William Trevor Jones, £7 10s; Henry Gong, £7 10s. For failing to display prominently copies of price orders Joe Lee Long was fined £1, Wong Sue Hing £1, Hing Lee £2, Ngan Chong £1, Thomas Young £1, and Henry Gong £1. For selling swedes at a price that was not in conformity with a price' order Charlie Hong was fined £2. Evening Post, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 61, 9 September 1944, Page 5
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