Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chinese Resurrectionists,"

[BY TELEGRAPH.] UNITED PREBB ASSOCIATION. Dunedin, 7th February. A rather singular resurrection movement is now being carried on amongst the Chinese. It seems tho frionds of all tho Celestials who came to this colony from one of the Canton provinces, and who died hore. have raised a fund to deport to tho burial places of their ancestors the bones of the defunct. A sooiety here has oharge of the X rations. They employ resurrectionists, are busy not only in Dunedin and throughout Otago, but over the whole oolony, disinterring tho natives of this particular provinoo. In Dunedin 38 bodies have been raised. A speoial storehouse for the bodies has been built near Dunedin, and a considerable number now lie there awaiting shipment to China. Each coffin is properly labelled with the name of its inmate so that no confusion may arise, and this has been rendered the easier as jt full record is kept by some leading Chinese of everyone of their countrymen who was buriod. Rather a quandary arose over the remains of one individual Which had gone to the Professor of Anatomy at the local University. However, the comforting notion that the University was a barbarian burial place satisfied the enquiring friends, and oertsin bones were duly produced, which were accepted, on the word of the professor, as those of line particular deceased. Evening Post, Volume XXV, Issue 32, 8 February 1883, Page 2

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