A Temporary Reprieve. SYDNEY, May 22.-The Minister for the Interior (Senator Poll) said today that as a result of representations made to him he had investigated the case of Peter Wong, a young Chinese, of Perth, whose exemption certificate will expire at the end of June. The inquiries, Senator Poll stated, showed that the mother was in China and that after the death of the father, a restaurant proprietor, in Perth in 1936, Peter Wong who was born in China, and who took over the restaurant, was given exemption from time to time to enable his younger brother to take charge of the business. Senator Poll added that, having given the matter full consideration, he intended to authorise Peter Wong a further short extension of time to allow the younger brother to take over full re sponsibility of the business. Peter K. Wong, who is aged 20 and has been in Australia for 18 years, has been instructed by the immigration authorities to return to China. Besides having managed a Perth city restaurant since he was 15, Mr. Wong has qualified as an accountant and was preparing for his final examinations for admission to the Australasian Institute of Secretaries. In accordance with the immigration laws he has had to secure annual permission to remain in Australia and this has al ways been granted. This year, however, he was notified that he would have to leave Australia by the end of June. To reach his mother in China, he would have to travel through areas at present under Japanese occupation.
Tuesday 23 May 1939 The West Australian (Perth)
CASE OF PETER WONG. To the Editor. Sir,-The success so far of the efforts of Mr. Nairn, M.H.R., whose hands must have been greatly strengthened by the attitude of the local Press, to obtain per mission for Peter Wong to stay In Australia, is gratifying to those who have been associated with this lad. His only fault appears to have been that he was unfortunate enough to have been born while his father was temporarily absent from Australia, I had the pleasure of having Peter in my classes for some years and, with others of the staff of this school, formed a very high opinion of hr. He was most popular with his fellow students a popularity shared by his cousin, now at this school, who is a vice-president of the West Australian Junior Natural lats' Club. If the attitude of Australia to the White Australia policy is put to destroy our friendship with China friendship we may be very glad of some time-it will only be by the good offices of Chinese nationals of the type repre sented by these two families, who are, in my opinion, a valuable asset to our State and to the Commonwealth. They are of good education and charming per sonality, and we are the better off for the company of such families as these. To break up one of them on a purely technical consideration would be tragedy and injustice indced.-Yours, etc., HAL McKAIL. Perth Boys' School. Tuesday 30 May 1939 The West Australian (Perth,
CASE OF PETER WONG. Chinese Not to be Deported. CANBERRA Nov. 28.-After negoti ations which have been proceeding on his behalf for just 12 months, the Federal Government has decided that Peter Wong. a Chinese boy living in Perth, will not be deported from Australia and thereby removed from the remaining members of his family. Peter Wong was born in China, and came to Australia as an infant. Subsequently several brothers and sisters were born in Australia. A year ago the Migration Department discovered that on his arrival Peter Wong had failed to obtain a landing permit, and he was accordingly classed as a prohibited immigrant and ordered to leave. Mr. Nairn, M.R., made a strong protest to the Federal Government, as a result of which Peter Wong received per mission to remain for a further six months. It has now been agreed that he could hardly be held responsible for his omission to procure a landing permit on his arrival and he will be allowed to continue to live with the rest of his family, who having been born in Australia, are classed as good Australian citizens. Wednesday 29 November 1939 The West Australian (Perth)
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